MJ Deans
Iain Beggs
Calum MacDonald
Debbie Mackay
Tha gort anno an Rioghacd Sheunta, ‘s tha athair Hansel ‘s Gretel air a bhith stri gus biadh a lorg dhaibh. Is gann gun creideadh Hansel ‘s Gretel e nuair a leughas iad my Fhèill Mhòr na Fuine ‘s ged nach eil iad an dùil gum bi an t-acras orra tuilleadh gun fhiosta dhaibhsan IS IAD FHÈIN a bhios air a’ chlàr-bìdh.
There’s a famine in the Enchanted Kingdom and Hansel and Gretel’s father is struggling to put food on the table for them. When Hansel and Gretel get word of a Great Baking Festival their dreams of finding food look to be coming true but what they don’t know is that THEY’LL end up on the menu.