Hansel & Gretel agus Fèill Mhòr na Fuine

Thursday 8th December

This event has already occured.

  • Doors 7pm |
  • Entry by donation |
  • Reserved Seating |
  • All ages

Please note: ticket prices may be subject to booking fee. Ticket prices shown reflect the lowest price tickets available.


MJ Deans
Iain Beggs
Calum MacDonald
Debbie Mackay

Tha gort anno an Rioghacd Sheunta, ‘s tha athair Hansel ‘s Gretel air a bhith stri gus biadh a lorg dhaibh. Is gann gun creideadh Hansel ‘s Gretel e nuair a leughas iad my Fhèill Mhòr na Fuine ‘s ged nach eil iad an dùil gum bi an t-acras orra tuilleadh gun fhiosta dhaibhsan IS IAD FHÈIN a bhios air a’ chlàr-bìdh.
There’s a famine in the Enchanted Kingdom and Hansel and Gretel’s father is struggling to put food on the table for them. When Hansel and Gretel get word of a Great Baking Festival their dreams of finding  food look to be coming true but what they don’t know is that THEY’LL end up on the menu.